Friday, May 6, 2011

What Does the Future Hold for QR Codes?

With QR Codes starting to pop up all over the place, what does the future hold for these unique marketing tools? Ingenuity and technology are hand-in-hand with this type of advertising and it seems to be the wave of the future for advertisers and marketers. The options are limitless with how QR Codes can be used, so let's look at a few examples that get the message across in a fun and engaging way.

QR Codes Come to Life

With so many people on the go it is hard to stop and "smell the roses" so to speak -but if you have an eye-catching poster or print ad with a Quick Response Code and a smart tagline that grabs people's attention, they will take the time to check it out by scanning the QR Code and then seeing what is being offered or promoted. It could be a video, a photo, or an informational message, but the point is to get someone to take notice - after all that is primary reason for advertising in any form.

Interesting Ways to Share Information

QR codes are sharing information with us by transferring us from the print world to the digital/cyber world. It seems that the blending of these two powerful mediums is the wave of the future. Quick Response Codes can be placed on any kind of product from t-shirts to magazines, or a souvenir mug - and provide us with a chance to look at more information on our smartphone or other handheld Internet capable device such as the iPad or Xoom. It is fast, easy, and also fun to "explore" with this new technology. It provides a great way to be entertained while at the same time informing customers and potential customers about a particular product or service offered by a particular company.

Other Ways to Use QR Codes

With people on the go it is worthwhile to have QR Codes full of information at train stations or city bus stops to let people know the schedule. A magazine can provide an entertaining video simply by embedding it into a QR code within a printed ad. A food store or restaurant can offer QR codes that will provide nutritional information about different products or dishes being offered. Restaurants can also create Quick Response Codes that offer special pricing, discounts, or incentives too.

The future is wide open for Quick Response Codes. It will be interesting to see how they will be developed and used over the course of time.

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