Traditionally business cards were given out to executives and other select personnel depending on their role in the business or organization. But more and more companies – particularly small businesses with just a few employees – are finding that it pays to provide all or most of the employees with personalized cards.
Since business cards are an excellent marketing tool – and a very inexpensive one – they can be used as a form of advertising because employees tend to pass out their cards not only to legitimate business contacts, but also to friends, family, and acquaintances because it gives the recipient their contact information. This in turn can create new customers. It is a natural referral system that often develops into concrete business prospects.
Business cards can also help the business owner from the employee's standpoint because it creates good will. It shows the employee that their services are respected and deemed to be important to the business. It also tells them that their job future seems more secure. Everyone likes to have confidence in their abilities and their future prospects, so it is a win-win for everyone.
Many business owners have difficulty determining who should get cards and who shouldn't. Generally cards are given out to those who have direct contact with customers or potential ones. But what about the receptionist who not only answers the phones but is the first contact with any visitors? Often these people are in a position to make a positive – or negative – impression of the company so it is important that they be given business cards to pass out to anyone that visits the company with an appointment or without one.
Small business owners and their employees generally have to wear many hats to keep the company going so it is almost imperative that all employees have their own business cards. They are often in a position to meet the public or potential customers during the course of their daily activities, either at the business or outside, when they are making deliveries or running errands – or even just going to lunch.
Overall – purchasing business cards for all employees is a relatively small investment that has the potential to pay big dividends for your company. It serves a dual role. It's a great way to reinforce the fact that you believe and support your employees, which generates a positive atmosphere within your business. Giving your employees cards also has the potential to bring in more business and more customers for your business too. It's definitely worth the investment!
Color Card Administrator is the parent company of and several other innovative Real Estate Business Cards website, we're eager to share with you what it is we do. Give us a call today at 858-522-9335 or email at for Online Business Cards. We look forward to discussing your comments, suggestions, or hearing any ideas for future article topics you may be interested in regarding business cards design or business card management.
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