Business cards are an important staple in the business world as a means of communication and introduction. This extends into the small business community and self-employed where just about any business owner has created a card to market his or her business.
When Business Becomes Personal
But business cards don't just have to be about business. They can also be personal. Most people today communicate via email or their cell phones for text messaging as well as phone conversations. Whether you are a student, a housewife or a clerk in a drug store you probably use these means of communication – and you probably should have a personal business card so you can easily transmit this information to others.
Personal Cards Introduce Your Information and You
Like calling cards of days gone by when people left their cards in a tray when they visited, personal cards have become a form of introduction and a means of relaying personal information without writing it down on a scrap of paper. Everyone has a phone number - sometimes more than one - along with an e-mail address, a Facebook or Twitter account and often their own website whether they have a business or not.
Unlike a scrap of paper that is easily lost, a personal card is more distinctive especially if you use color or a graphic that stands out in the crowd. It is a great means of communication when you meet someone new or want to establish your identity to someone.Personal business cards can also display other information about you if you have a part-time business like a band or that you belong to a biking club or other activities.
Keep in Touch With Your Personal Card
Personal cards are a means of keeping in touch with friends and when you meet someone new, it is so easy to hand them a card rather than explain everything or try to find a pen or piece of paper. If you are looking for a job, it is a great way to introduce yourself to a prospective employer who should be impressed that you have your own personal business card.
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