Business Card Etiquette

1. Cards should be clean, accurate, and easy to read. Remember, they represent you. Correcting info on your cards yourself is just plain tacky.
2. When given a card by someone else, treat it with respect, remember it represents them. Act as if it is important to you.
3. Read the card when it is handed to you, that way you can ask any questions immediately if they arise.
4. Keep the card out so you can discreetly refer to it if you forget a name.
5. Wait until an appropriate time to give your card out.
6. It is inappropriate to include business cards with thank you notes, congratulations, personal letters and notes.
7. Likewise do not hand them out in uncomfortable situations. Funerals, doctor's appointments, and other serious events are not the time for marketing.
8. Never be stingy with your cards, even if you are running out.
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