Thursday, May 29, 2008

Television Commercial for

(Drumroll...) Here's the commercial that is running in the San Diego area for A big thank you to the artists who gave us permission to use their templates in the commercial. For those of you we contacted who don't see your templates...we're sorry. We gave the producers all of the templates and they selected the ones you see in the advertisement.

Hopefully we'll do this again in the near future and be able to showcase even more of the great templates supplied by all of our artists. You all are awesome!

Monday, May 12, 2008

My Card's Better than Your Card!

I had a friend tell me about this movie clip. I thought I'd share it with everyone. Just a funny bit about business cards...enjoy!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

New Topics Added to the Marketing Library

Last month we announced that was building a public Marketing Library. As a follow up, we wanted to let you know that there are now many new, informative pages published there. Here are some of the topics covered so far:

* Business to Business Marketing
* Creative Ideas
* Direct Marketing
* Direct Selling
* Effective Signage
* General Marketing
* Internet Marketing
* Job Hunting and Hiring Tips
* Marketing Books and Education
* Professional Marketing Help
* Promotional Marketing
* Technology and Marketing

Please feel free to visit the site and read about these various marketing topics. Make sure you check back often too. Currently, there are more than 20 additional topics ready to be published on their site. If you have an idea for a topic that you would like them to cover, please feel free to leave a comment here. We'll make sure it gets covered!